program ColinFibonacci; procedure drawwindow; {This procedure regulates the draw window size.} var textrect: rect; begin setrect(textrect, 10, 30, 500, 480); settextrect(textrect); showtext; end; function Fibmaker (anynum: integer): longint; begin if (anynum = 1) or (anynum = 2) then Fibmaker := 1 else Fibmaker := Fibmaker(anynum - 1) + Fibmaker(anynum - 2); end; procedure Welcome; var i: integer; begin writeln('Hello, and welcome to Colin''s Fibonacci number generating program. In this'); writeln('program, you can display any term of the sequence of Fibonacci Numbers, and'); writeln('all the Fibonacci numbers that lead up to it. Here''s an example : '); writeln('Your Input: 5'); for i := 1 to 5 do writeln(Fibmaker(i) : 1); writeln('Get the picture? Good.'); end; procedure GetInfo; var i: integer; x: integer; begin writeln('How many Fibonacci numbers would you like to see? {A natural number please}'); repeat readln(i); if i < 0 then writeln('For the love of God, enter a POSITIVE INTEGER!'); until i > 0; for x := 1 to i do writeln(Fibmaker(x) : 1); end; var Again: char; GoodChoice: Boolean; begin drawwindow; welcome; repeat GetInfo; GoodChoice := True; writeln('Would you like to get another sequence of Fibonacci numbers? (Y/N)'); repeat if GoodChoice = false then writeln('Let''s stop being silly. Now enter either Y, y, N or n.'); readln(Again); if Again in ['Y', 'y', 'N', 'n'] then GoodChoice := True else GoodChoice := false; until GoodChoice; until Again in ['n', 'N']; writeln('Thanks for using this program, if you have any questions or comments,'); writeln('then e-mail Colin at Press Return to quit.'); readln; end.